meet the founders

Our Fearless Leader is a Brussels Griffon🐾

Angus, Brussels Griffon, never fails to forget just how incredibly handsome & iconic he is. He is a “lover of the finer things in life.” Peculiar in looks and personality. Extremely loving but with a healthy understanding of his human’s shortcomings. Our fearless leader Angus has been deemed the “Tiniest CEO in the WORLD” by many notable sources! ‘Sniff’ him on Petzbe @snugglingnugget


Andrea Nerep, Founder & CEO

As the founder of Petzbe, she conceptualized and steered the development of an app, crafted the brand and marketing strategy, and built a pet parent community with hundreds of thousands of users. Prior to Petzbe, she worked in various start-ups from their inception, developing communication and marketing strategies. She has a  MSc in Marketing from New York University, and a BSc in Marketing and Communication Design from Webster University. She’s from Stockholm, Sweden, but has lived in NYC for the past 10 years. It was her Brussels Griffon Angus, Co-CEO of Petzbe, that inspired her career.

Chelsea Williams, Co-Founder & Director of Growth

Chelsea has over 10 years of experience with content creation and social media. She joined Petzbe at an early stage & grew its audience impressively! Prior to Petzbe, she ran her own multi-media production company for several years, successfully orchestrating the entirety of the photography, design, branding, writing, producing, directing, shooting, editing and marketing for a large variety of clients and businesses. Chelsea is the ultimate pet enthusiast with a full house of furends —four dogs, six cats, two majestic horses, and two pint-sized mini horses!